We are pleased to launch the service of SinceIQuit. This service will help you with quitting your bad habits.
Its has four main screens
1. Home
2. Add
3. Extras
4. Manage
In this section, you'll know the time since you've quit your habit, so we've also implemented the feature of achievement to make things interesting so you don't get bored.
In this section you can add your habit that you desperately want to leave, we have 2 methods One approach is to add custom habit and another way is to select the popular habits that are predefined.
In this section, if you want to support the developer/project so now you can. Plus you can now ask for the custom features you want to see in this app.
You will control your active habits in this section either by deleting the habit or resetting the habit.
This is the Ad-Free Project.
In the current update, you only can add only 5 habits.