Free download Color Lines APK for Android
sourcedate 2024-05-07 点击 86
Description of Color Lines It is classic Color Lines. The game starts with a 9×9 board with three balls chosen out of seven different colours. If the player does form such lines of at least five balls of the sam
junglee Rummy e colour, the balls in those lines disappear, and he gains one turn, i.e. he can move another ball. If not, three new balls are added, and the game continues until the board is full.It's very small (only 1 Mb) Color Lines app !It working on all devices with all screen resolution! Version history Color Lines New in Color Lines 3.8 improved stabilityadded new game confirm dialogadded support both portrait and landscape orientationsNew in Color Lines 3.7 improved stabilityadded new game confirm dialogadded support both portrait and landscape orientationsNew in Color Lines 3.6 improved stabilityadded new game confirm dialogadded support both portrait and landscape orientationsNew in Color Lines 3.5 improved stabilityadded new game confirm dialogadded support both portrait and landscape orientationsNew in Color Lines 3.4 added new game confirm dialogadded support both portrait and landscape orientationsNew in Color Lines 3.3 added new game confirm dialogadded support both portrait and landscape orientationsNew in Color Lines 3.2 fixed compatibility problemfix for high screen resolutionadded new and undo buttonsadded support both portrait and landscape orientationsimproved scalingimproved perfomanceadded save and restore stateadded options menuadded undo one movesaved high scores Please rate this app